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Internationalizing React

By Daria Caraway


React Brussels 2021

Learning 100 different languages is challenging, but architecting your React app to support 100 languages doesn’t have to be. As your web application grows to a global audience, multilingual functionality becomes increasingly essential. So, how do you design your code such that it is flexible enough to include all of your international users? In this talk, we will explore what it means and what it looks like to build a React app that supports internationalization (i18n). You will learn several different strategies for locale-proofing your application with React contexts and custom hooks.

Picture of React Brussels speaker Daria Caraway

Daria Caraway

Senior Software Engineer, Netflix


Daria is a Senior Software Engineer at Netflix and International Speaker who is passionate about building web applications with React and TypeScript. When not coding, Daria is often found traveling, eating good food, and traveling to eat good food.