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Play them off, keyboard app: building a virtual keyboard in javascript

By Sophie Koonin


BeJS conf 22

Did you know your browser has a whole API dedicated to audio? You can play music, create cool visualizations... and build an entire musical instrument! In this talk, I'll:
- show you how I built a virtual keyboard using the Web Audio API
- teach you the musical theory that powers the keyboard
- demonstrate how we can translate musical notes to JavaScript Join me for this fascinating crossover between math, music and code!

Picture of BeJS conf speaker Sophie Koonin

Sophie Koonin



Sophie is a web-focused senior Product Engineer at in London, building intuitive tools to help companies manage and learn from incidents. A former web engineering lead at UK challenger bank Monzo, she’s passionate about building inclusive, accessible web applications that people love. Outside of work, Sophie writes about tech, teams and mental health at, builds silly web apps, and makes music.

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